agroBRIDGES EIP-AGRI Practice Abstracts
The present dataset is a collection of the practice abstracts developed in the framework of the agroBRIDGES project, using the EIP-AGRI common format. The aim is to share project outputs so other actors of the agri-food sector can leverage on them and to see the main added value and benefits met by the end-users if the generated knowledge is implemented. The Practice Abstracts are also published on the EIP-AGRI website and available at this link. The current (first) version of the dataset contains the set of the first 12 Practice Abstracts generated to share the project's knowledge and insights gained from co-creation, data collection, communication and other activities aimed at promoting the development of Short Food Supply Chains, while motivating the local network of agri-food actors in the process (multi-actor approach). At least one Practice Abstract has been generated per Beacon Region (i.e. focal region of the agroBRIDGES project). This version of the dataset contains one Practice Abstract per country using the standard EIP-AGRI format in .xlsx. The final (second) version will be enhanced with Practice Abstracts describing the development and improvement of the (12) agroBRIDGES tools and the business model taxonomy developed for Short Food Supply Chains.
Inloopspreekuur POP3 EIP Noord-Holland
Provincie Noord-Holland heeft de regeling Europese Innovatie Partnerschappen (EIP) opengesteld.
EIP-AGRI: 7 years of innovation in agriculture and forestry
This report gives an overview of EIP-AGRI network results, addresses future challenges, and many network voices from across Europe.
Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid (GLB): Toelichting op AKIS en EIP
In deze kennisclip van Groen Kennisnet geeft Jeroen Nagel, van de Regieorganisatie GLB, een toelichting op AKIS en EIP. Daarnaast schuift Marc Ravesloot van Wageningen University & Research (WUR) aan om het project BEE-Divers toe te lichten. BEE-Divers is een onderzoeksproject van WUR dat zich samen met zes landbouwbedrijven sterk maakt voor biodiversiteit als verdienmodel. De deelnemende boeren konden tijdens dit project kiezen uit verschillende manieren om bloembezoekende insecten te helpen om op het erf van de boerderij te leven en zich blijvend te vestigen. Het Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid (GLB) is een beleid van de Europese Unie dat gericht is op het ondersteunen en ontwikkelen van de landbouwsector, uitgevoerd in het Nationaal Strategisch Plan (NSP). Het GLB heeft verschillende doelstellingen, waaronder het de bescherming van biodiversiteit, het zorgen voor een eerlijk inkomen voor boeren, het bevorderen van duurzame landbouwpraktijken en het stimuleren van plattelandsontwikkeling.
EIP-AGRI Focus Group; Protein Crops: final report
This report is the result of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group (FG) on Soil organic matter (SOM) content in Mediterranean regions, which was launched under the European Innovation Partnership Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI). The Focus Group brought together 19 experts with different backgrounds and experiences to make recommendations on transferable innovative solutions for the purpose of improving soil organic matter content in the Mediterranean region in a cost-effective way while securing soil functionality and soil fertility in the specific context of Mediterranean regions
EIP-AGRI Focus Group Precision Farming : final report
The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on “Mainstreaming Precision Farming” brought together 19 experts, including scientists, farmers, advisers, and agribusiness to address current opportunities, limitations and transferable innovative solutions on the topic of Precision Farming. In particular, the EIP-AGRI Focus Group addressed the main question of how to organise data capture and processing to mainstream the application of Precision Farming for input and yield optimisation, while trying to identify the main reasons behind the current lack of adoption, and identifying the key barriers to the implementation of Precision Farming on European farms.
Innovating for organics : organic agriculture in EIP-AGRI Operational Groups
EIP - AGRI, or the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability, was launched by the European Commission in 2012 to foster a competitive and sustainable agricultural (and forestry) sector. EIP - AGRI takes into account the complex nature of innovation, which depends not only on the solidity of a creative idea, but also on its practical application and the willingness of farmers and practitioners to take it up. In this way, EIP - AGRI defines a real innovation as “an idea put into practice with success”. Therefore, EIP - AGRI brings together actors with complementary knowledge (farmers, advisors, researchers, businesses, NGOs, etc. ) to devise innovative responses to concrete problems and to develop academic findings into practical applications.
Between EIP and EOP: extreme sport practitioners’ embodiment as relational attention
Within the practice of extreme sports, practitioners’ embodiment is often defined as a sense of freedom; of being one with life; and having intimate relationships with nature. In all these cases, theoretical understandings of the practitioners’ embodiment take place inside practice, which was termed embodiment inside practice (EIP) in this thesis. This means that current research on extreme sport embodiment have related the more-than-human, more-than-textual world of the practitioners to the confines of the sport practice. Thereby, theory is not able to highlight the more mundane expressions of the extreme sport embodiment as it is experienced within everyday life. The study’s main objective was to explore how extreme sports and embodiment relate to each other outside the already explored field of embodiment within the confines of the practice which was termed embodiment outside practice (EOP) in this thesis. The main research question was ‘how does the practice of extreme sports among surfers and climbers (EIP) affect their relations to everyday urban environments (EOP)?’ The thesis argues that the practitioners’ build-up experience within extreme sport practices, becomes guiding to their attention and awareness to the (physical and social) world outside of it. This spill-over effect was explored through a conceptual understanding of embodiment as relational attention and operationalized through the ‘walking interview’. A two-step analysis of the interviews, consisting of mindmapping and coding, explored the practitioners’ thoughts, sensations and attitudes on EOP, which pointed to the way in which practitioners make sense of and reflect on their experience with extreme sports in relation to the world around them even when they are not practicing. Outside practice, the surfers described what I interpret as a dependency on the externalities of the city when seeking the freedom found during EIP which manifested itself as embodied contrast. The climbers’ experience of inspiration in daily life is the result of the spill-over effect of autonomy through physical (and mental) problem-solving inside practice and manifested itself as embodied mirroring. The surfers’ and climbers’ embodiment as relational attention was first visualized through a theoretical understanding of embodiment as becoming through co-constitution, which led to the conceptualization of EIP and EOP as separate embodiments. This presented an insufficient framework in providing a fuller understanding of embodiment as relational attention. To fully address this, the practitioners’ embodiment was revisited through a renewed emphasis on embodiment as becoming in the fold.
EIP-AGRI Focus Group Bee health and sustainable beekeeping : final report
The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Bee health and sustainable beekeeping was established in spring 2019 to identify, structure and develop main replies to the main question: How can we ensure the sustainability of beekeeping in the face of challenges linked to pests and diseases, intensification of agriculture and climate change?
EIP: subsidies voor innovatie om tot een duurzame landbouw te komen
Met het EIP wordt subsidie verstrekt aan samenwerkingsverbanden die in projectverband samen werken aan het experimenteren met innovaties in de praktijk die bijdragen aan het behalen van de doelen uit het Nationaal Programma Landelijk Gebied (NPLG) en Nationaal Strategisch Plan (NSP) van het GLB. Het gaat hierbij om bijvoorbeeld projecten die werken aan de
EIP-AGRI Focus Group Sustainable High Nature Value (HNV) farming : final report
Dit rapport zoekt uit hoe landbouw met een grote natuurwaarde er economisch en sociaal op vooruit kan gaan, zonder daarbij in te moeten boeten op de natuurwaarde zelf. HNV Farming (High Nature Value Farming) is de benaming die gebruikt wordt voor deze landbouwgrond met grote natuurwaarde. Het gaat om landbouwgebieden waar veel biodiversiteit te vinden is.
Subsidieaanvraag voor innovatie (EIP) fieldlabs 2024 kan tot 17 juli - Groen Kennisnet
Heb jij een innovatief idee voor een samenwerkingsproject in de landbouw? Of het nu gaat om sociale, organisatorische of technologische innovaties, je kunt mogelijk subsidie krijgen voor het ontwerpproces! Het EIP (Europees Innovatie Partnership) zoekt ondernemers in de provincies Groningen, Drenthe, Overijssel en Limburg die een fieldlab willen ontwerpen om bij te dragen aan duurzame en toekomstbestendige landbouw.
EIP-AGRI Focus Group : Enhancing production and use of renewable energy on the farm : final report
Many different forms of renewable energy are produced in rural areas, ranging from wind, solar and geothermal sources to different forms of bioenergy. Many small and medium scale installations provide opportunities for new cooperation in production, sales and distribution of renewable energy. They bring employment and economic development to rural regions, replace fossil fuels and contribute to energy security. Many technologies are available to meet energy use on the farm for heating, cooling, traction and other energy functions. Besides bioenergy (used for heat, power, biogas, biofuels), solar (electricity and heat), wind and geothermal energy, technologies can also include heat recovery systems, e.g. from cooling systems and manure storage. Farmers can also combine different technologies simultaneously. In other settings, renewable energy produced on the farm can be delivered to power or gas grids. Both at the scale of the individual farm and the whole agricultural sector, there is a wide range of options and potential for renewable energy generation and deployment with a potentially major contribution to Europe’s energy mix. However, this large portfolio of options also creates complex questions, since the potential, performance and impacts of renewable energy technologies depend on natural conditions (climate, soils), size and type of farm, management techniques, degree of mechanisation, geographic location and socio-economic factors, such as investment and advice support for farmers, as well as the surrounding energy system and energy infrastructure. An EIP-AGRI Focus Group with 20 experts from across the EU and with complementary disciplinary backgrounds addressed ways to enhance the production and use of energy at farm level and in rural areas, seeking best solutions and innovative approaches, including cooperation between farmers and other actors in rural areas. The main question for this Focus Group was: how to enhance production and use of renewable energy on the farm? The experts discussed opportunities and barriers for the different renewable energy technologies (RETs), synergies between various RETs and energy sources, trade-offs between land use for agricultural or energy production, and the possibility to develop collective selling approaches for renewable energy produced on the farm.
Meld je project aan voor de EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards 2024 - Groen Kennisnet
Ben jij onderdeel van een innovatief project in de land-of bosbouw? Laat dat project oplossingen, producten of processen zien die bijdragen aan een hogere productiviteit? Zijn ze duurzaam en te kopiëren in andere delen van Europa of andere sectoren? En wil je je project beter bekend maken bij het grote publiek? Schrijf je dan nu in voor de EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards 2024.
DISARM meets the EIP Focus group on Reducing Antimicrobials in Poultry Farming to check out the innovative NestBorn on-farm hatching concept - Disarm Project
On the 15th January, we had the opportunity to join the agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP AGRI) focus group on […]
345 - EIP-AGRI Focus Group - Reducing antibiotic use in pig farming - Final Report (Research report - European Commission - 2014) - Disarm Project
In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies \ Specific alternatives Species targeted: Pigs; Age: Not stated; Summary: Where to find the original material: Country: EU Antibiotics are used to treat and control pathogenic bacterial infections. The key to reducing the need for antibiotics is improving pig health. Under the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) a focus group (FG) looked into how to reduce the use of antibiotics in pig farming. In the report the results, recommendations and proposals from the group to reduce antibiotic use are presented.The group identified three main areas where practical solutions already exist or may be further developed to reduce antibiotic use:– General enhancement of animal health and welfare to reduce the need for antibiotic use through better biosecurity, management and husbandry, facility design and management, and training of personnel, veterinarians and advisors.– Specific alternatives to antibiotics including vaccination, feeding approaches and breeding.– Changing attitudes, habits and human behaviour (farmers, agri-advisors and veterinarians) and improving information dissemination.
EIP toekomstbestendige onkruidbeheersing in de teelt van zomergraan : verslag van een 3-jarige veldproef met onkruidbeheersing middels niet chemische alternatieven in de teelt van zomergerst op een veenkoloniale dalgrond
Onkruidbeheersing in de graanteelt vindt op dit moment overwegend plaats met de inzet van chemie. De onkruidbeheersing in het gewas van met name breedbladige onkruiden is relatief gemakkelijk op basis van beschikbare selectieve middelen. In toenemende mate is er echter weerstand vanuit de publiekelijke sector tegen de inzet van chemie en daarnaast neemt het aantal resistente onkruiden toe. Het doel van het project is om meer kennis te vergaren van het toepassen van onkruidbeheersing met verminderde inzet van chemie. Dit verslag beschrijft de resultaten van het project ‘toekomstige beheersing onkruiden en aardappelopslag’ en rapporteert de bevindingen. Dit onderzoek is uitgevoerd in zomergraan op een veenkoloniale dalgrond.